Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A major downside to warehouse living is the lack of central heating. My only strategy to combat the infernal cold is to crank my electric blanket up full and sit on it like a hibernating tortoise. Admittedly this has meant i havent been overly keen on heading out into the frozen abyss that is London so I dont have a great deal of tales to report from fun nights out raving. I have however been spending my time on the leccy B wisely and have been digging like a dog on a beach for new tunes of which there are a great many out there tickling the ol eardrums.

Rodion & Khan - Discoteca Romana

Definitely my favorite EP so far this year. the production is slick and progressive bringing out some nice quirks in the electric boogie feel. Khan incidentally is formerly of Captain Comotose whos album 'Up In Flames' has long been a favorite of mine. Long may his fine work continue. The whole EP is well worth a listen (out now on French label La Belle) - have a squizz the the video to the title track Discoteca Romana.....

Italian label Opilec Records has released a compilation to show case its history and current rosta. There is a broad range of electronica tracks (some more experimental than others!) which give a good heads up of whats the labels about. Most definitely the choice pick of the bunch is (Track 2) Todd Terje's version of 'High Pressure' by 80's LA synth punk outfit The Units. Rory Phillips version a few years back was a monster and Terje has matched it and more with his interpretation. Mixmag's disco tune of the month is a keeper for sure.

A guilty pleasure to finish this post with. Melbourne Indie Electro act Cosmo Black have released this simply magnificent version of Phil Collins - 'In the air Tonight'. Ive opened with this every set ive played since my itunes wrapped its legs around it. I blatantly loved that chocolate advert but now I really wish they never bothered as of course that bastard gorilla pops in to my head when the drum fill comes in. Oh well. Its all tongue in cheek I guess however I wont hear a word against the original .....or the mighty P.C. niether!